Your Biggest Hype Girl

Empowering you to become your Elevated Self

Personal growth is about so much more than listening to a podcast or reading a motivational self-development book. The real transformation happens when you are intentional with reaching your next level of growth (however defined) by getting clear on what you want to attract more of in your life, establishing a plan on how to get there, and consistently showing up as your best self.

The real beauty of personal growth? YOU get to decide what more looks like for you. YOU get to decide what success looks like for you.

Sure, you could read a few books, listen to a few podcasts and hope for the best when it comes to your personal growth. But being intentional, showing up and taking consistent action toward what you want to attract more of in your life - that’s the good stuff. And I’m here to empower you to do just that.

personal growth coach

My Story

 From burnt-out career driven woman to balanced Mindset + Personal Growth Coach

In 2021, when I went back to my ‘9-5’ corporate HR job after the birth of my second baby, I knew I needed to make a change. I was burnt out, not showing up well in any area of my life and my wellbeing suffered. I thought I wanted to climb the proverbial corporate ladder, but I wanted something different, something more for myself.

After much reflection and many conversations with my husband, I identified exactly what I wanted to do, made a plan to get there and took action. Four months later, I went into HR consulting and never looked back.

Fast forward to summer 2023, I was once again at a crossroads. HR Consulting allowed me so much freedom while doing what I love. But I knew I wanted more. I felt ‘stuck’ and disconnected with my purpose. It wasn’t until I felt these nudges in my heart that grew stronger and stronger.

In fall 2023, I launched my Mindset and Personal Growth Coaching business and I have never felt more aligned to what I was called to do- supporting you to reach your next level growth all while showing up as your best self.

Behind the screen /

Behind the screen /

A little bit about me and my heart…

  • I was the queen of side-hustles. I use to be a wedding photographer, then an online interior designer (while building my HR career).

  • Big Sky, MT is one of my favorite places with hopes to buy a property there some day.

  • I make a mean Lasagna dish.

  • Running is my therapy.

  • I’m part of the 4 AM club.

  • My faith is bigger than my fear.

A hopeless creative…

and a big dreamer