Personal Growth, Well-being, Business Dedra Weigman Personal Growth, Well-being, Business Dedra Weigman

How to Sync Your Business Tasks to Your Menstrual Cycle

As women, we've been conditioned to believe that our period is bad, a hinderance and something we just have "deal with". But what if I told you that by understanding and aligning with your body's natural second rhythm, you could unlock creativity, live a more balanced life, and create a deeper connection with yourself?

Enter cycle syncing – the practice and art of adapting your health and lifestyle, energy, mindset and productivity to fit the four phases of your menstrual cycle.

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Personal Growth, Well-being Dedra Weigman Personal Growth, Well-being Dedra Weigman

Cycle Syncing 101

As women, we've been conditioned to believe that our period is bad, a hinderance and something we just have "deal with". But what if I told you that by understanding and aligning with your body's natural second rhythm, you could unlock creativity, live a more balanced life, and create a deeper connection with yourself?

Enter cycle syncing – the practice and art of adapting your health and lifestyle, energy, mindset and productivity to fit the four phases of your menstrual cycle.

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Unlock Potential, Personal Growth Dedra Weigman Unlock Potential, Personal Growth Dedra Weigman

Cultivating your Future Self: The 5-Step Blueprint

Your journey through life is a constantly evolving, marked by growth, challenges, and self-discovery. At the heart of this journey is the concept of the ‘future self’ or ‘ideal self’. But how do you bridge the gap from where you are today to your future self? Well, let me provide you with a 5-step blueprint that is easy to understand and take inspired action on (because that is really where the magic happens).

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Unlock Potential Dedra Weigman Unlock Potential Dedra Weigman

Manifest Your Dream Life: How to Use Your Vision Board for Goal Setting

Alright girl, let’s talk manifesting your ‘dream life’ (or as I like to call it - creating more of what you want in life). On today’s blog, we are going to delve into the basics of vision boards and goal setting. Pour yourself a cup of coffee (or tea), snuggle up in your favorite chair, and read on! The concept of ‘manifesting’ is a concept that aligns with the Law of Attraction which suggests that positive thoughts and intentions attract positive experiences and outcomes. While this concept is motivating and IMO bomb AF, you aren’t going to create more of what you want in life by just manifesting. PERIOD.

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Unlock Potential Dedra Weigman Unlock Potential Dedra Weigman

Unlock Your Potential: The Role of Vision Boards in Reaching your Next Level of Growth

A vision board is more than a creative exercise; it's a powerful tool that guides you toward your ideal future self and can be a significant catalyst for reaching your next level of growth. Your future self is constantly an evolution, not a static destination. Vision boards are a compass that can guide you along this path, helping you unlock your potential and evolve your future self.

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Self Discovery, Unlocking Potential Dedra Weigman Self Discovery, Unlocking Potential Dedra Weigman

Breaking Free from Your Zone of Comfortability: Unleash Your Future Self

Hold onto your avocado toast, girl! It's time for a heart-to-heart about your future self and what might be holding you back. But first, let's lay the groundwork, because the details matter. So, what's this "zone of comfortability" thing? It's that psychological state where you feel all cozy and safe, and everything's familiar and easy. Sounds great, right? Well, not when it comes to evolving into your future self. Now, about your future self. This is that amazing woman you aspire to be in the future. She's the vision you hold, the embodiment of your goals, values, and characteristics as you progress through life.

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Unlock Potential Dedra Weigman Unlock Potential Dedra Weigman

The Science Behind Vision Boards and How they lead to Greater Success

We've all come across those vision boards – a vibrant visual representation of your goals, dreams, and aspirations. It is typically a collage of images, words, and symbols that represent the things you want to achieve in various aspects of your life, such as business or career, relationships, health, and personal development. The concept behind vision boards is rooted in the idea that visualizing your goals and desires can help you manifest them in your life. These seemingly simple tools have taken the world by storm in recent years, touted as a way to make your desires a reality. But is there any real science behind this, or is it all just wishful thinking? On the blog, we're going to dive into the science of vision boards and explore how they can genuinely help you achieve your goals.

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Personal Growth, Unlocking Potential Dedra Weigman Personal Growth, Unlocking Potential Dedra Weigman

Breaking the Myth of Overnight Success: Embrace the Journey

Alright, girl. It's time to have a real talk about one of the most persistent myths in the world of personal growth and achievement: overnight success. We've all seen it, those inspiring Instagram stories of people seemingly going from zero to hero in the blink of an eye. But here's the truth you need to hear loud and clear – they didn't skip steps, and neither should you.

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Self Discovery, Unlocking Potential Dedra Weigman Self Discovery, Unlocking Potential Dedra Weigman

Her Success is Not Your Failure: Navigating the Comparison Trap

You're casually scrolling through Instagram, minding your own business, when suddenly, your feed is flooded with posts and stories of other women flaunting their successes (ugh, I know this sinking feeling all too well). And there it is, the comparison trap. It's like a train wreck; you can't seem to look away. But here's the kicker: not only are you tumbling down the rabbit hole of comparison, it's wreaking havoc on your mindset, sapping your energy, and stoking the flames of self-doubt. Let's get one thing straight, girl: Your worth is not determined by someone else's perceived success.

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Self Discovery, Unlocking Potential Dedra Weigman Self Discovery, Unlocking Potential Dedra Weigman

The Truth About Cultivating Your Future Self

Your future self refers to the woman you aspire to become in the future. It's the embodiment of your goals, values, and characteristics you aim to embrace as you progress through different stages of life. Why does it matter? Because it represents your untapped potential, guiding you towards a life that aligns with your desires, values, and aspirations. Your future self is not a static destination; it's an ever-evolving journey.

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Self Discovery Dedra Weigman Self Discovery Dedra Weigman

Uncovering Your Life's Purpose: 10 Ways to Decode Yourself

Uncovering your purpose in life is like decoding yourself. Let me first start by saying, your purpose can change throughout your life - you can have many of them. That’s the beauty in our journey and the seasons it bring. While the path to discovering your purpose is a deeply personal and individual one, there are effective strategies and practices that can guide you on this transformative process. If you’re in a place of either feeling ‘stuck’ or you’re in the zone of comfortability and looking for a change, this blog post will give you the kick-start you need.

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Time Management Dedra Weigman Time Management Dedra Weigman

Empower Your Day: Top Time-Saving Tools and App for Busy Ambitious Women

Life as a busy and ambitious woman can be exhilarating, but it often comes with a never-ending to-do list and a multitude of responsibilities to juggle. Fortunately, the digital age has blessed us with a boatload of time-saving tools and apps that can be invaluable in helping you stay organized, efficient, and on top of your game. Grab a paper, your favorite writing pen, your second cup of coffee (or tea) and let’s delve into this curated list of tools to help you conquer your daily tasks and make the most of your precious time. (Cue the confetti)!

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Goal Setting Dedra Weigman Goal Setting Dedra Weigman

Goal Setting in Different Areas of Life: Balancing Your Aspirations

Embarking on the journey of goal-setting is like hopping on a boat, and as ambitious women, we know that having a map for this adventure is essential. Imagine setting sail on without a destination in mind? Not for us! Goal-setting isn't just about getting from point A to point B; it's about thriving, growing, and celebrating every step along the way. So, grab your favorite cup of tea or coffee, find a cozy spot, and let's delve into the art of setting goals, with flair, in various aspects of your life.

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Growth Mindset Dedra Weigman Growth Mindset Dedra Weigman

The Path to Achieving Your Dreams: 4 Tips to Cultivate a Growth Mindset

Let’s start with the basics: What is a growth mindset and why is it important? A growth mindset is the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work. It’s really as simple as that. It's a mindset that can help you achieve your aspirations and dreams, no matter how audacious they may be (in my opinion, the more audacious the better).

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Well-being, Time Management Dedra Weigman Well-being, Time Management Dedra Weigman

5 Ways to Set Your Week up for Success

As an ambitious woman, setting the stage for a successful week goes beyond just a matter of luck. By proactively organizing your tasks, goals, and self-care routines, you can enhance your productivity, focus, and overall well-being. In this blog post, we’ll explore five powerful strategies to help you establish a framework for success that aligns with your personal goals and preferences.

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Well-being Dedra Weigman Well-being Dedra Weigman

Nurturing Success and Well-Being: 10 Essential Ways to Protect Your Energy

As an ambitious woman, the demands of everyday life like work, personal commitments, and social engagements can easily drain your energy and leave you feeling overwhelmed. It's essential to recognize the importance of safeguarding our energy to maintain our well-being and pursue our goals with vigor. Here are ten practical strategies to help you protect your energy and create a balanced, fulfilling life.

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