Breaking Free from Your Zone of Comfortability: Unleash Your Future Self

Hold onto your avocado toast, girl! It's time for a heart-to-heart about your future self and what might be holding you back. But first, let's lay the groundwork, because the details matter.

So, what's this "zone of comfortability" thing? It's that psychological state where you feel all cozy and safe, and everything's familiar and easy. Sounds great, right? Well, not when it comes to evolving into your future self.

Now, about your future self. This is that amazing woman you aspire to be in the future. She's the vision you hold, the embodiment of your goals, values, and characteristics as you progress through life.

Here's where it gets interesting: Your cozy little comfort zone and your fabulous future self? They don't exactly get along. In fact, they're kinda like oil and water.

The Clash: Comfort Zone vs. Future Self

See, if you're constantly hanging out in your comfort zone, you're not growing. And when you're not growing, you're not becoming that vision of your future self at each stage of life. These two concepts don't jive, and it's time to address the misalignment.

The Game Plan: Bridging the Gap

Got your attention now? Great! Let's talk about what you can do to bridge the gap and start making your future self a reality.

1. Visualize Your Future Self

Start with some visualization. Imagine your future self at 1, 3, and 5 years down the road. What does she look like, what are her core values, and how do they show up in her behaviors? What amazing things is she doing at each of those stages? What goals has she achieved? This exercise will help you clarify the woman you want to become.

2. Unearth the "Why" Behind Your Comfort Zone

Now, ask yourself the tough questions. Why are you staying in your zone of comfortability? Is it because self-doubt is holding you back? Are limiting beliefs about yourself keeping you trapped? Or is it because you're not sure where to start? It's time to get real with yourself, friend. Identifying the root causes of your comfort zone is the first step to breaking free.

3. Commit to Action

Finally, commit to 1 or 2 goals this week that are going to help you move out of the zone of comfortability and into the zone of your desired future self. Action is the key to transformation. Take a step outside your comfort zone, even if it's a small one, and watch the magic happen.

Discover Your Purpose with Our Masterclass

If you're ready to supercharge your journey to your future self, consider enrolling in our Vision Board and Goal Setting for Success Masterclass. This game-changing self-paced course is designed exclusively for ambitious women like you. It will help you get crystal clear on your purpose, craft your vision for your future self, and establish a concrete path with actionable steps to create more of what you want in life. You are meant to create a bigger vision for yourself. Period.

Your future self is waiting, and she's amazing. Don't let the comfort zone hold you back. Embrace the discomfort, take inspired action, and watch yourself grow into the incredible woman you aspire to be. We're here cheering you on every step of the way. You've got this!

resources and tools

Resources, Tools, OH MY!

Check-out resources and tools I offer ambitious women (like yourself) that support you in every facet of your life. Go ahead, peruse around (you know you want to)…

Vision board and goal setting online course

Unlock your potential and create a life of purpose and abundance

The game-changing Vision Board and Goal Setting for Success Masterclass is your complete and transformative content course designed exclusively for ambitious women like you to get clear on your purpose, craft your vision, and establish a concrete path with actionable steps to create more of what you want in life.


Unlock Your Potential: The Role of Vision Boards in Reaching your Next Level of Growth


The Science Behind Vision Boards and How they lead to Greater Success